Articles of Interest

10 Tips for Success in Resolving Parenting Disputes

Justice Brownstone (.pdf)
An excerpt from a book detailing successful strategies in resolving conflicts when raising children in a separated family.

From Tender years to Father’s Rights! Authored by Tamari, Frodis, & Switzer–Jewish-Review-from-tender-years-to-fathers-rights

Social science research does highlight the significance of a father’s ability to help a child feel empowered and able to take on risks. Fathers should take pride in their new-found role after separation and within the family court system. There are ominous statistics for children who grow up without a father and troubles can include behavioural issues, academic issues and peer-related issues etc.

Top Ten Tips for Fostering Children’s Resilience after Divorce

JoAnne Pedro-Carroll, Ph.D.
How children fare during and after a divorce depends largely on how parents handle changes and create a quality of life for their children over time. Many factors influence their resilience; research and clinical practice have shown these to be among the most important.

What Should We Tell the Children?

Dr. Joan Kelly
It is very important for parents to talk with their children about the separation, preferably before you physically separate or very soon thereafter. Surprisingly few parents provide an explanation of what is happening and give their children an opportunity to ask questions. Here are some ideas to help you as you plan your discussion.

Agenda: Justice Harvey Brownstone and Steve Paikin (video interview)

Justice Brownstone is a prominent judge in Ontario who has definite and well-respected opinions on how best to serve families who are in custody and access disputes. He has written a well-received book “Tug of War – A Judge’s Verdict on Separation, Custody Battles, and the Bitter Realities of Family Court”.

How to Divorce and Not Wreck the Kids

Dr. Joan Kelly
Joan B. Kelly, Ph.D. is a groundbreaking clinical psychologist and researcher who began studying the impact of divorce on children in 1968. She recommends the following tips for making a separation as easy as possible for children.

10 Tips for Success in Resolving Parenting Disputes (Chapter 13)

Justice Brownstone
Justice Brownstone believes that the key to resolving parental disputes is for parents to behave in a civilized, reasonable, mature way with each other. He recommends that parents try to understand and accept the important points in the above chapter.

Where do I Stand? A child’s legal guide to separation and divorce

Ministry of the Attorney General, revised March 2004
This is a pamphlet for children whose parents separate or divorce. It explains how separation or divorce is the result of problems between parents. It is not the children’s fault. Children may have questions about the law of separation and divorce. This pamphlet’s goal is to try and answer those questions. This pamphlet is about law and does not talk about feelings about separation and divorce. There is a list at the back which suggests some of the books you might want to read.

Parenting Communication Resources in High Conflict Cases

Resources from the Association of Family Conciliation Courts (AFCC) around helping parents communicate best post-separation and divorce.

Recommended Reading for Children and Parents

A list of Ilana’s own recommendations of books you may want to consider.